Our Philosophy

The Biggest Loser Program

The Biggest Loser Retreat program is about developing healthy habits, making better choices and seeing positive results through commitment and dedication. It is about information sharing, healthy eating, movement and growth. The ‘Biggest Loser Weight Loss Retreat program by Golden Door’ is about stepping out of the shadows into the limelight and taking pro-active steps to achieve lifelong health and wellbeing.

The Golden Door Australia

The Golden Door Australia has a passion for holistic wellness, believing that balancing one’s mind, body, and spirit will achieve lifelong wellness. That information and empowerment are essential tools in helping people be all they can be and facilitates greater self-discovery, happiness and a more fulfilled life.

Our Food Philosophy

We believe in eating a wholesome and plentiful variety of fresh, minimally processed foods that will boost the metabolism: plenty of colourful vegetables and fruit, a variety of whole grains and legumes and small servings of nuts, seeds and (for non-vegetarians) fish and lean meat. Our menu is designed to ensure that your body gets all the essential nutrients it needs for optimal health.

“We believe that eating the right kinds of foods and preparing them in the healthiest possible way is essential to lifelong health and wellbeing. We believe that eating more food in the way nature intended and limiting fats, added sugars and salt will help our body to be the best it can be.”

Movement Philosophy

We believe that regular movement, both high and low intensity, will help increase energy levels, improve health, provide stress release and increase a person’s enjoyment of life. We believe that discovering ways of moving that are enjoyable, effective, and functional will help to ensure that life-long goals are achieved.

Education Philosophy

We believe that knowledge provides people with the empowerment necessary for making healthier lifestyle choices – encompassing body, mind and spirit. We believe that our information should be relevant, inspiring and the primary trigger for positive sustainable changes in one’s lives.

Coaching Philosophy

Our approach to all that we do, follow the model and principles of “coaching” that focus on increasing self-awareness and generating self-responsibility. This approach is reinforced by ongoing guidance and support which helps to achieve sustainable lifestyle change.

Compassionate Boot Camp

We believe that sometimes ‘tough love’ is necessary to help people realise their full potential. Our compassionate boot camp training philosophy brings compassion and understanding, yet is realistic and honest. We believe that this approach will bring the best out of people and ensure long term success.